Qualifying a Nonprofit Entity Attorney in New Haven, Connecticut
Cooper Law LLC has assisted clients in forming a number of non-profit companies and obtaining a determination from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that they qualify as tax-exempt entities under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c).
This involves:
forming the company as a non-stock corporation under the appropriate state statute,
including the appropriate provisions in the company’s bylaws and other documents in order to structure the operations to comply with the requirements to obtain a tax-exempt determination,
assisting the client in completing and filing the appropriate IRS form to obtain this determination (Form 1023 or Form 1024) and any required attachments, and
responding to IRS questions and challenges after (and with respect to) such filing.
Here to Provide Insight
Get in TouchIsaiah D. Cooper, our principal attorney, has decades of experience with tax, business and corporate law matters. When you work with him, he will give you the advice you need to protect and promote your interests.
Learn About Your Options Before You File
Schedule a free consultation with Attorney Cooper using our online form or by calling us. From our New Haven office, we represent clients throughout Connecticut.